Monday, September 15, 2008


It's amazing how the Japanese have such apt terms at their disposal and one which practically defines me. I once wrote that the only thing keeping me from being a full-fledged otaku is my lack of an internet connection and a medical degree. Now, for those of you who don't speak the language of crazy, let us refer to the infallible source of internet knowledge, the WIKIPEDIA. *snerk*

(おたく or オタク?) is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga, and video games.

If you're wondering why this pertains to me, you probably haven't spent 15 minutes with me. I love anime, asianovelas, foreign language music and movies to the point of downloading massive amounts of media related to these... things that I most probably have proved true the phrase, "there's no such thing as enough space". If given a 2 terabyte storage unit and a decent internet connection, it'd be full in a week.

I can't explain this phenomenon. I can't even explain the point of this blog. Maybe I just needed to pass the time while waiting for my koreanovela OST to finish downloading...

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