Monday, November 10, 2008

Huddy or Couse?

Just so you know, I love love love love love love love House, M.D. Anyway, in episode 6 of season 5, i finally saw what I have been waiting for since season 2. House kisses Cuddy.

I wasn't really a fan of Cameron (read: I hate her) and this was further compounded by her being mean to Chase (I love Chase). Anyway, this series is another testament to my nerdophilia, with elements influenced by my medical degree. For further elucidation, please refer to...

Exhibit A
Oh, Chase. *dreamy look in eyes* It's just amazing how you really know where the defibrillators are supposed to be placed even though you're just a pretend doctor. Or a pretend intensivist, to be more precise. Intensivists are hot. *drool*

Exhibit B

God, House. I just love the way you handle a laryngoscope when intubating patients. *twinkly eyes* And how you can also play a piano and guitar, speak French, and ride a motorcycle, even if you are a Vicodin junkie.

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