Today, I woke up to a code.
After my last admission at four in the morning, I went to sleep and set my alarm to seven so I would have enough time to bathe before the shuttle home arrived. Before my alarm could even go off, I get a call from the nurse's station about a Code Blue. To those who are unaware of what a Code Blue is, it basically means someone needs resuscitating.
Now, this patient came to the ER yesterday because he was feeling somewhat dyspneic. On looking at the patient, I figured he had COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and he was really thin. The family and the patient didn't seem to think there was anything seriously wrong with him. The fact that he was breathing faster than normal was, well, normal to them since he's been breathing like that for years. To cut the long story short, I had him admitted because his blood pressure was next to non-existent.
So, like I said, code at seven in the morning. Apparently, despite precautions to feed the patient slowly in a sitting position, the relatives probably fed him too much with him sorta lying down, so he choked on his food. I know this from all the stuff I suctioned out of his lungs when I intubated.
After 30 minutes of resuscitation, I was ready to call time of death. I notified the grandchildren but just as we were about to stop chest compressions, the heartbeat came back. After a 30-minute flatline. So, we were rushing to prepare the ICU, starting Dopa-Dobu drips.. the works. Then flatline again. Resuscitate again. By the time we transferred him to the ICU, he already had 3 arrests. He was no longer revived after the arrest at the ICU.
Back to my supposed bath. I very well couldn't take my time since the shuttle was almost leaving so I had to go home with dead man juices on my smock. Oh well, the nurses smelled as well. No biggie. In any case, I was too exhausted to care.
When I got to Divisoria, I did what I always do when I'm tired, sleepy or depressed.
I ate at Jollibee.
After my last admission at four in the morning, I went to sleep and set my alarm to seven so I would have enough time to bathe before the shuttle home arrived. Before my alarm could even go off, I get a call from the nurse's station about a Code Blue. To those who are unaware of what a Code Blue is, it basically means someone needs resuscitating.
Now, this patient came to the ER yesterday because he was feeling somewhat dyspneic. On looking at the patient, I figured he had COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and he was really thin. The family and the patient didn't seem to think there was anything seriously wrong with him. The fact that he was breathing faster than normal was, well, normal to them since he's been breathing like that for years. To cut the long story short, I had him admitted because his blood pressure was next to non-existent.
So, like I said, code at seven in the morning. Apparently, despite precautions to feed the patient slowly in a sitting position, the relatives probably fed him too much with him sorta lying down, so he choked on his food. I know this from all the stuff I suctioned out of his lungs when I intubated.
After 30 minutes of resuscitation, I was ready to call time of death. I notified the grandchildren but just as we were about to stop chest compressions, the heartbeat came back. After a 30-minute flatline. So, we were rushing to prepare the ICU, starting Dopa-Dobu drips.. the works. Then flatline again. Resuscitate again. By the time we transferred him to the ICU, he already had 3 arrests. He was no longer revived after the arrest at the ICU.
Back to my supposed bath. I very well couldn't take my time since the shuttle was almost leaving so I had to go home with dead man juices on my smock. Oh well, the nurses smelled as well. No biggie. In any case, I was too exhausted to care.
When I got to Divisoria, I did what I always do when I'm tired, sleepy or depressed.
I ate at Jollibee.
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