Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Magick with a K

Yeah. 'Coz that's how we roll.

I am well aware that the British folk like to spell and pronounce things differently because all the goblins, elves and inhabitants of Middle Earth whisper to them in their sleep.

Anyway, the presence of the letter K lends a more magical feel to the word magicK. Apparently.

K is the eleventh letter of several alphabets, and eleven is the principal number of magick, because it is the number attributed to the Qliphoth - the underworld of demonic and chaotic forces that have to be conquered before magick can be performed. K has other magical implications: it corresponds to the power or shaktikhu, the magical power. Specifically, it stands for kteis (vagina), the complement to the wand (or phallus) which is used by the Magician in certain aspects of the Great Work.

Thank God my name isn't
Karina. My own name is weird enough already. I'd rather it mean cereal than have the the first letter stand for vagina.

I've always been fascinated by magic and magical things because, well, it's something I can't do and can't learn, no matter how many books I read. However, according to Aleister Crowley, I can do magic. And apparently, I've been doing it since birth.

Every intentional (Willed) act is a Magical act.

What is a Magical Operation? It may be defined as any event in nature which is brought to pass by Will. We must not exclude potato-growing or banking from our definition. Let us take a very simple example of a Magical Act: that of a man blowing his nose.

Potato-growing. Right.

And I guess I can do away with my anti-histamines then. Because I mean, how can medications fight magic? I'm the bloody freakin' Merlin of sneezing.

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