Thursday, August 06, 2009


This is how I spent the first few hours of my 27th year on this green earth.

And the worst thing was that WiFi was down! I just cannot be offline during my birthday! It's just wrong! But I was. Offline, I mean. Just goes to show how much of a dork I am to be worrying about being online.

Really, I just got home and I'm tired so I'm going to sleep a bit. On the morning of my birthday. Because I suck.

I might blog later tonight when I've gathered my wits about me.

P.S. I was so out of my mind last night that I wrote down Paracetamol TID on one of my admitting orders. Jesus... This is why I need to be online. My world goes haywire when I'm not connected.


1 comment:

Karsten said...

This sounds great!! ;-)

Happy birthday!