Friday, October 30, 2009

No, my fingers haven't fallen off and yes, I am still alive.

I'm still on my MouseHunt-Ronzamania hiatus but I still have 15 minutes until the next horn call so I thought I'd holler and let you know I'm still here.

The thing with MouseHunt is that it really caters to the OCD in me. There's nothing that gets an obsessive-compulsive person such as myself all worked up more than a rare mouse that only appears once this year and can never be caught ever again. Sleep hours have been traded for timed mouse clicks and trapchecks.

Speaking of fingers, by the way, I had the goriest dream. Dennise, feel free to stop reading NOW.

I broke off Danie's finger. Fourth digit, left hand.

She was complaining that her left hand hurt and her fingers were skewed in this weird configuration and I tried to fix it. And then ...


There was no blood but dear Lord, you cannot imagine my horror at having done that.

I have no idea what sort of subconscious thought processes led to that nightmare.


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