Saturday, June 10, 2006

Danghag-related incidents

Exposure to the ER has made me realize that while a lot of accidents really are accidents, on some days, there are a whole lot more danghag-related incidents. Vehicular accidents because some drunk guys decided that it would be a great idea to chase chicks on a motorcycle at 3 in the morning. A guy going blind because he chose to weld metal without goggles, complaining that the goggles blurred his vision. A ruptured globe because one guy thought that he'd spend his spare time flicking a metal rod.

And then there are the pseduoemergencies. It's 2 o'clock in the morning and you are surrounded by people who've been shot, stabbed or run over.

Then a guy comes up to you and says,
"Um, I was riding this motorela and the road was kinda bumpy and I bumped my head on the side of the motorela. I didn't mind it but when I got out of the motorela, I saw there was a hook and I was worried that there might be internal hemorrhage. I asked my dad, he's a doctor, and he said I should check for nosebleeds and if I would vomit blood pero wala naman. I couldn't sleep because of the worry. Now my head hurts. Maybe I should have a CT scan. I might be hemorrhaging."
Me and the PGI (completely blank stares)
(What the fuck?!)
Sir, you can get a skull x-ray but there really is no need for CT scan but if you can dish out the P4000, go ahead.
(And leave us be!)
Anyway, I was reviewing my report on arachidonic acid metabolism for today, a day when I wasn't supposed to be at the hospital because I'm off duty, when my resident calls and says the reporting is postponed. Dunno if I should be happy or not.

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