Saturday, November 15, 2008

Comic Con!

Had nothing bloggable to, uh, blog about so I'm posting several recent comics from Penny Arcade. It's a webcomic I'm following. They're not paying me to do this but I like sharing stuff I like because well, I'm an internet pimp.

Not a fan of Star Wars *dodging rotten tomatoes* but this made me laugh.

Ninjas are Japanese and Aoshi Shinomori is like the okashira of the Oniwabanshuu so... I'd totally donate my gazillion digital doo-lars. (10 coolness points to whoever gets the anime and movie reference.)

I'm totally dead right now.

Yeah?! Well, you're mom is CLASSIER!!

Okay, before any Christian fanatics attempt to digitally burn me at stake for posting the comic above, all I can say is, I'm a Catholic and I believe Jesus has a sense of humor.

And there's more where that came from.

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