Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Just different

We had our annual high school class Christmas Party last night. As per tradition, we went to someone's house, ate, drank and basically caught up with each other's lives. Now, catching up with my classmates is
always a learning experience.

Here are a few additions to my stock of useless information.

Searching "find Chuck Norris" on Google and hitting I'm Feeling Lucky. This is care of Rolando Bloom. Go ahead. Click it.

I may have been around Dennise for the past few months but last night was the first time she mentioned this to me.

And it's not seen in the image but this cracked me up:
Dec.24, 1984 - Santa Claus fulfills prophecy as he dies for the sins of mankind, to give man eternal presents

And another one from Rolando.

I know I'm a fanatic over things I'm, uh, fanatic about but I just don't see myself to that extreme. Or maybe it's just coz I'm no longer in my teens. Or that I don't really care about American Idol. Or that if I were being at all fanaticky, I would be alone. Or my friends would be in the sidelines, mocking me.

Point of the blog? It's not that my high school classmates and I are retards interested in lame things. We're just a different kind of smart.

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