Saturday, December 20, 2008


I'm currently on my Mindanao roadtrip right now but we'll discuss enough of that in a later post. Topic for the moment is my current state of inebriation.

Well, I'm not drunk yet but my balance is off. Cognitive skills still intact although balance has been compromised. And this is all the mai tai's fault.

You see, we were at this bar/club 183 in Davao City when they served this pitcher of Mai Tai. I'm really not much of a drinker but it was yummy! And as I usually do with yummy things, I stuffed myself with it. Seven shots in near rapid succession. I really didn't feel a thing at all. I might as well have been drinking water.

That was until 30min later when we transferred location when I felt like I was tripping all over myself. Minute movements could make me fall. This was when I realized that for the first time in my 26 years of existence, I was tipsy. Slightly under the influence.

So, I blogged. To immortalize this rare window into my slightly inebriated cognitive self.

Yup, still crazy-weird.

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