Tuesday, February 17, 2009

High School Diaries: The Case Of The Ass

Everyone has that one person in high school that you love to hate. Mine especially enjoyed doing stuff to make me hate him all the more. Okay, maybe hate is too strong a word. But I got annoyed. A lot.

I won't deny it. I did have a crush on the guy for a time.
Everyone knew that but I'm writing it off as temporary insanity. I mean, how can you have a crush on the person and still wish he were being eaten alive by Brazilian fire ants?

For the sake of anonymity, let's refer to annoying guy under the alias of... Larrion. *grin*

July 2, 1996
Larrion told me to keep something & he told me to hold it. Then he took my hand and put a candy wrapper on my palm.
What's the age limit for juvenile?

July 22, 1996
During Values (class)... Larrion wrote on my forehead with chalk.
When I re-read this entry a month ago, I nearly choked laughing. Why did I let him write on my forehead with chalk?!

July 3, 1996
Today, he accused me of something I haven't even done. He also told me that I was always the primary suspect because I was the one who always makes fun of him.
Okay. Candy wrapper. Chalk on forehead. Res ipsa loquitur. Look it up.

June 4, 1996
Larrion asked me to bring a book for him yesterday so I brought it today. However, he told me that he didn't need the book (because he brought his own). He only told me to bring the book because if he forgot to bring, he'd borrow... from me.

June 5, 1996
[Kathleen, Julette & I bought milk bars and then we tricked Larrion into buying us milk bars anyway.]
Larr saw us eating 2 milk bars each and he figured out that he has been had. Played for a SUCKER. Treated like a low-down IDIOT.
Who says girls can't be as devious as boys?

July 20, 1996
Jory hits Larrion in the 'nads for being an ass.
Ah, retribution.


Tomorrow... High School Diaries: Nerdvana

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