Thursday, April 23, 2009


For the past three nights, the internet connection at home was busted and I couldn't do anything about it because I was on duty. Which also explains the lack of blog entries.

For those of you (and when I say you, I mean DENNISE) who regularly visit this blog, you might have noticed intermittent craziness in terms of the layout and template. First it was pink, then black, then blue then some sort of purply-blue thing. Very much like the progression of a bruise.

For some reason, I can't stop myself from changing my blog template. And since I am woefully ignorant of the skills and applications required to make a personalized template, I resort to downloading from whatever website I stumble upon. There was one with a lot of cute color schemes but the name SUCKMYLOLLY.COM just plain made me uncomfortable.

Anyway, I settled with this one. Still the birdie theme from Gisele Jaquenod's website.

You may ask, "Why now? When you could have changed the template weeks ago?". Well, Marisse is out of town and I have no other friends. =(

Kidding. It's just that it seems of all the people I know in this goddamned city, only Marisse and I aren't into doing adult stuff like working all the time.

Or maybe it's just me. Marisse used to work for her dad but when she comes back with her shiny new lawyer license, she's going to be working with her dad.

Also, as of this morning, internet connection is back up and running.

And now I'm heading over to Facebook.

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