Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 26 is the new Christmas

So it's been awhile.

At the risk of sounding absurdly adult, I've been really busy with work. I'm on duty practically everyday that consultants and co-residents alike have been poking fun at me being literally a resident physician. Incidentally, I was on duty December 24 and 25 so Boxing Day is going to have be my Christmas Day.

However, I do try to make up for my lack of a social life by going out on my very few days off, under any circumstance. Take December 19 where I had my very first taste of Tanduay Rhum. Which, although did not render me totally wasted, got me sufficiently tipsy enough to belt out Bon Jovi's It's My Life at a KTV bar. Photographic evidence has been burned and buried in radioactive waste. Hopefully.

December 23 saw me at the cinema.


Watching James Cameron's Avatar.

I had planned to watch it with friends but said friends had either:
1. already seen it
2. no plans to see it
3. appointments with orphans

Can't compete with orphans really.

So I ended up, for the first time in my entire life, watching the movie alone. It really isn't all that different from watching a movie in the confines of your room but while I'm perfectly used to talking to myself, it really is much more fun to mock trailers when you're with someone.

I mean, seriously. The tagline for the movie I Love You, Goodbye was "In a world where hearts are easily broken, sometimes I love you is Goodbye."


Anyway, back to Avatar. Great movie although reminiscent of Fern Gully but with better graphics. Reminiscent of Braveheart as well, during the part where Jake talks to the Omaticaya about defending their land, except he was very conveniently already blue without the aid of war paint and he lacked the distinct Scottish brogue. "Ye may take our land, but ye cannae take our liberty!" LOL.

Like I said, the graphics were outstanding however one scene stood out and made me think one of the graphic artists may have been a marine biologist or could be absurdly into zooplankton.

Remember the tiny flying creatures they referred to as the Eywa or something?

I may be the only person within a 100 mile radius who sees it but they look like plankton. Apart from the multiple antennae in an umbrella configuration akin to the bell of a jellyfish, they pretty much look like the generic zooplankton. At first I thought it was similar to the genus Oithona but on closer inspection, they were closer to the genus Calocalanus. (Forgive me. Crazy about plankton. Always have been since my thesis.)

Anyway, did my Christmas shopping on the fly as well. Overall, I'm tired but I'm happy. (Why does that remind me of an Alanis Morissette song?)

Of course, one cannot totally depart from geekish ways so in between duties and blogs, I am all atwitter because Ronza, MouseHunt merchant extraordinaire, has arrived and is selling the coolest traps that will beat the shit out of even the most badass of mice.

Merry Christmas. ^_^

1 comment:

Karsten said...

tired but happy reminds me of myself somehow... anyway... merry xmas! Planning to watch Avatar real soon. Did you see it in 3D (and was that good)?

Looking forward to you joining tanduay sessions next march :-)