Saturday, January 08, 2011


The city I love has betrayed me.

I was walking the streets of Divisoria, sling bag bumping against my hip, in a rush to get to where I was going. And while I may not speed through the streets like a madman on crack, I walk fairly fast. When I sat down at Marisse's law office, I opened my bag to check if I received any messages on my beloved pink Xperia mini pro.

But it was not there. (The phone. Not the messages. In case that wasn't clear.)

I called home to see if my phone was there. My mom couldn't find it. We tried calling but the phone wouldn't ring. I headed back home, just in case my mom had a huge blind spot and could not see the phone right in front of her, and in case my phone was under the bed and that particular square foot had no network coverage. (Pathologic optimism, what can I say.)

I hear stories about crime rates in my beloved Cagayan de Oro increasing, and about people getting robbed but you never think it'll happen to you until it does. Truth be told, I've never had anything stolen from me before. Well, there was that time in med school when someone pilfered my wallet from my backpack (hmm.. maybe that's why I don't like backpacks very much) but that loss only hurt my pocket, not my heart.

I have wanted this phone for the longest time. Its pinkness only magnified my fondness for it. Everything about it appealed to me. I know that there are better phones, that there are cheaper phones, but of what use is reason in matters of the heart? And I my Xperia mini pro.

I suppose I'll just have to get a new one. Pragmatically speaking, I could wait for my birthday in August so I can spread out my expenses over the year but I doubt my heart can stand being broken for that long. I don't know if the recurrent stabbing chest pain is a result of acid reflux or a reminder of my loss. And yes people, I'm sure there are more pressing problems in the universe like world hunger and diabetes but my heart is neither hungry nor diabetic. It won't stop feeling that way just like that.

I still love my city. We're just not on speaking terms right now.

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