Sunday, April 24, 2011


Pardon the pun but it IS Easter Sunday. I even made an Easter egg but we'll get back to that later.

I remember hearing (or reading?) that you can't really write unless you've gone out and experienced things. And I am using this excu... valuable bit of wisdom to explain why I have been blogless for the past couple of weeks, er, months. Except for a short stint in Hong Kong, I've mostly been at the hospital. Life here can be exciting but I can't really talk about it. Apart from patient confidentiality (yes, even if I don't name names, someone is bound to realize that he's the crazy hypochondriac I'm talking about), not everybody wants a peek into the gory details of hospital life. And no, duties aren't like they are in Grey's Anatomy, where everybody is taking turns at having sex with everybody else, lesbians and bisexuals included. (On the bed, on the floor, on a towel by the door. Hehehe.... Remembering that I'm Fucking Matt Damon video.)

There have been episodes where I wanted to blog about something and then realized after writing it down that I sounded like a moron. Here's an excerpt from one of them:

I want Jane's external drive.

Two months worth of bloggables and I come back to write about an external drive. I feel like I should be writing about something important like how oil prices are affecting my need to take a taxi to work (seriously, taxi fares are so expensive now!) but I can't help it if I am literally experiencing chest pain just looking at the damned thing. The damned thing being a small, 1 terabyte external drive that doesn't require a stupid external power source.

This episode was later followed by chest pains when Marisse bought her dad a Galaxy Tab. Then there was Vanessa's pink Vaio netbook. I try not to indulge in my impulses to buy these pretty things because before you know it, I'd end up on a downward spiral of retail therapy involving the purchase of another iPod shuffle because the new one has a playlist option unlike the one I already have.

Anyway, nothing much outside the hospital has happened except for that time I was in Makati and had THE BEST CARBONARA IN THE UNIVERSE! The white chocolate carbonara at Max Brenner is just insane.

On the other hand, things have been happening to other people. Dennise had her hair done on Wednesday, then had her appendix taken out the next day. Julette has been busy with... stuff (and took forever to tell us about it!) and Marisse saw this Shakespeare in Hollywood play in Makati during a work trip. How come my work trips don't involve plays and, ahem, stuff?! Will pass on the appendectomy, though. Ouch.

So, back to Easter. I wanted to paint eggs per Easter tradition. Vaguely remember something about not playing with your food but hey, it's Easter. Not sure how Jesus feels about it but anyway... I brought two hard-boiled eggs to work but I dropped one and unfortunately, I don't have the skillz to pull off a post-fall Humpty Dumpty egg. So I had to settle for one that I painted to look like a doctor. I couldn't make a female one. Didn't know how to draw boobs on an egg.

Look at him, with his collar and tie, auscultating himself, like he's pleasantly surprised that he has a heartbeat. The stethoscope may have been taped to his chest seeing as he has no arms.

And now comes the age-old dilemma surrounding Easter Eggs. To eat or not to eat?

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