Friday, March 20, 2009


Even geeks can be stupid.

And his name is Dave Howe.

In some universe, the name “Syfy” is less geeky than the name “Sci Fi.” Dave Howe, president of the Sci Fi Channel, is betting it’s this one.

During its fourth-quarter earnings call, parent General Electric said Sci Fi racked up a double-digit increase in operating earnings despite the beginnings of the recession.

Nevertheless, there was always a sneaking suspicion that the name was holding the network back.

I personally don't see it. Is this based on the premise that words with Y are much cooler than those with I? Words like androgYnY, pYgmY or sYphilis? Meh.

“We spent a lot of time in the ’90s trying to distance the network from science fiction, which is largely why it’s called Sci Fi,” Mr. Brooks said. “It’s somewhat cooler and better than the name ‘Science Fiction.’ But even the name Sci Fi is limiting.”

Psh. Faryna is no less nerdy than Farina. Except Faryna sounds like the court sorceress to the Queen of the Faeries deep in the forests of Middle Earth.


Faryna just became geekier. And cooler at the same time.

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