Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Blog in Parts: It's Not The Bus, It's The Destination

So it's Day... um (*counting with my fingers since I'm still a little drunk*)... 4 of my 2 week vacation. Let's not bore each other with accounts of where I bought my toothpaste and of how I had a threesome at Sampaguita Suites. *wink*

On Day 2 of The Vacation, we were manhandled on a 3 hour bus ride to Hagnaya. Actually, Julette initially described it as being violated but before thoughts of gang rape float around your head, she was really talking about the very rough and dusty ride. We were sitting at the very back of the bus and every bump on the road literally lifted us off the seats. And the fact that the driver was speeding along as if he didn't have 40 passengers wasn't helping any.

But like all 4R and Friends outings, the "horribility" of the journey is directly proportional to the fun we had. Earle would do a quick pole dance coming back from fixing the bags that were dislodged during the crazy ride, Julette and I would talk about all sorts of lesbo things as we are wont to do, and when we passed by the occasional beach, we would entertain thoughts of setting up the place for a wedding and then asking the rest of the wedding party to just come on over and spare us the rest of the goddamned ride.

Still, Bantayan was just beautiful. Even with the dark clouds hovering, threatening Dennise's sanity. Everbody was gorgeous and smartly dressed, per Dennise's explicit instructions. Marisse even dressed up as Salma Hayek! Hehehe.. Even the sky seemed to be holding back. And the wedding was just perfect. I'm not really the type of person who cries at weddings because I am such a boy but there was some tearing up action right around the vows.

The reception on the beach was amazing, as well. But for some reason, everyone remembers the details of how drunk I was. I know that it is unlike me to get drunk but c'mon people! It's not like I did the hula on the dinner table. (I got as far as sitting on the table, though. And I may have gone around lecturing on blood alcohol concentrations and cognitive functions.) But in the battle for sobriety, the GerMEN won against the Filipinos by a mile. I don't know who the Last Filipino Standing was but Dennise's foreign friends apparently held up until five in the morning. That's a lot of alcohol.

But back to me. Table sitting aside, Sober Farina and Drunk Farina are pretty much the same. No waking up in a strange bed with someone else's clothes (I fell asleep in full bridesmaid gear.), no making out with the person sleeping in my bed (Considering it was Julette and that I would so tap that if I ever ventured into the lesbo end of the pool.) and no major secrets revealed (including where I stowed the stash of Rohypnol I mixed into the tequila. Hehehe...). See, I'm pretty much a sensible drunk. Well, except for the part where I found it absolutely reasonable to just sit on the bathroom floor for an hour because it looked sooo comfortable.

Anyway, the wedding was great but it was only the first leg of The Vacation.

P.S. Stupid thing. I just ran this thing through spell check and everything went yellow. I guess I forgot that I'm using Karsten's netbook and of course the spell check dictionary would be in German.

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