Friday, April 16, 2010

And now, back to regular scheduled programming

Well, not exactly.

My work schedule has always been kind of irregular but now, I have to work 36-hour duties with a day off every 3 days to make up for all that time I spent vacationing, not to mention that a co-resident is on leave for 2 months and I have to cover for part of her duties as well. Hopefully by June (God, that sounds so far away..), my duties will be less crazy.

One semi-permanent takeaway from the Palawan trip is my snorkeling-induced tan, or as I would prefer to call it, protective coloration. When I got back to the hospital, the first sight that greeted me were the ER nurses with looks of surprise at my newly acquired skin color. And the stark white smock wasn't exactly muting the darkness of my tan.

But anyway, I'll soon return to my previous color. Although, it took a year for me to return to normal
skin tone from my Carbin Reef snorkeling trip in 2007 but then again I wasn't really trying to stay out of the sun. In any case, I have all the time in the world.

So, wassup in the crazy wonderland of Farinaville? Well, a few days ago, Marisse and I convinced Ramon to play Rockband with us but when we got to Joystick Lounge, their Rockband set was busted. Or maybe it was the LCD projector. Or the XBOX. Anyway, the point was we couldn't play Rockband. But be not disheartened! We did not trudge our way home like losers with no social life! (Because we aren't.) We headed over to a karaoke place and had a No Judgement Karaoke Night, just the three of us. We sang everything, from Michael Jackson to Las Ketchup to Dina Bonnevie and yes, even Aegis. Because that's the beauty of No Judgement Karaoke Night. You are a excellent singer! (in strange Chinese accent..)

My brother got married, by the way. And since I wasn't around during the planning stage, I was under the impression that I had no role in the wedding except to attend, plaster a meek smile on my face and tolerate the inane questions about my apparently deplorable lack of a husband.

Then comes the night before the wedding. I just got home from a 36-hour duty and I find out that I'm supposed to do the first reading. Hmm. It would've been nice to know this beforehand, you know. Anyway, maybe I just looked the part but prior to the ceremony, the nun gave me the This-Is-What-You-Do-In-Mass-You-Heathen lecture. Okay, got it. Bow, read, bow, sit down.

It was a nice, traditional ceremony. But I loved their pre-nup photos. Actually, it's not so much the photos I envy but the chance to handle a katana and wakizashi. I've always wanted to dress up as a samurai. The only dress-up Halloween party I ever went to had a Disney theme (Go figure) so instead of getting to wear a kimono, I had to dress up as Cinderella's fairy godmother. Bibbidi bobbidi boo..

I think the best thing to come out of ending my vacation was I finally got to see my laptop again. (Dork..) I wasn't able to lug it around Palawan because firstly, well, I would have had to lug it around Palawan, and secondly, I broke it. It seems that you can't keep your laptop turned on 24/7 and not expect it to die on you. Good thing it was still under warranty so all the repairs and parts replacements were free of charge. ^_^

On the entertainment front, I'm up to speed with my weekly doses of The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, House, Chuck, Ugly Betty, Cougar Town and Glee. Still have a lot of movies on the shelf that I need to watch, though. I'm thinking about watching the Last Station if only because Christopher Plummer is in it. Edelweiss... edelweiss...

Then there are movies that I would like to un-watch. A year before I was born (or as Julette puts it, the year before the "cool" babies arrived), there was a Filipino spy parody starring a midget named Weng Weng. The movie, For Your Height Only, was "allegedly" an international hit and naturally, this got me curious.

Two hours later, I had a major headache from all the stupid that was seeping into my brain. I don't know, maybe people's taste in cinema changes over the decades and maybe For Your Height Only was entertaining in 1981, but having seen it, I wouldn't inflict it on anybody else.

Just so we're clear, don't watch it.

So, regular scheduled programming isn't as regular after all. But that's just me.

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